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Tidal is the debut album by Fiona Apple, a New York singer-songwriter-pianist who was 18 years old at the time of its 1996 release. Apple is obviously talented--she has a dark, smoky alto and a knack for an arresting turn of phrase--but she's still several years away from realizing her potential. For every fresh lyric she writes ("Daddy longlegs, I feel that I'm finally growing weary of waiting to be consumed by you"), she provides two examples of embarrassingly precious schoolgirl poetry ("Adagio breezes fill my skin with sudden red," from the same song, "The First Taste"). She also has yet to refine her moody piano chords into actual melodies, though "Shadowboxer" comes close. --Geoffrey Himes

uuid: 359411BD-B8AA-43B4-B516-F4BCECB81727
upc: 0074646743928
tracklisting: Sleep To Dream
Sullen Girl
Slow Like Honey
The First Taste
Never Is A Promise
The Child Is Gone
Pale September
title: Tidal
rating: 4
purchase date: 09-05-2005
published: 23-07-1996
price: $13.98
net Rating: 4.5
last lookup time: 137387056
genre: Singer-Songwriters
Adult Alternative
fullTitle: Tidal
currentValue: $3.30
created: 137387040
country: us
aspect: Audio CD
asin: B000002BE9
artist: Fiona Apple