Slacker - Criterion Collection
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Richard Linklater's debut feature is a comic kaleidoscopic portrait of the quirky characters stuck in a college town (it's Austin, Texas, but it could stand for hundreds of such places), a devilishly clever and endlessly inventive film that overcomes its nothing budget with scene after hilarious scene of short, sharp cinematic shots. Structured something like Luis Bu'96uel's The Phantom of Liberty, Slacker is a comic series of character pieces, each lasting a few minutes before the camera picks up and follows someone, perhaps simply an extra in the scene, to the next conversation. Characters spout off theories on everything from JFK and Charles Whitman (we even get an eerie glimpse of the water tower he climbed for his killing spree) to Elvis and UFOs, and more (wanna buy a Madonna pap smear?) on our bohemian tour of a condensed day-in-the-life. Linklater lets the characters set the pace but provides a loose, almost imperceptible rhythm to the film as a whole, giving a kind of structure to what seems like a series of improvisations. But the heart of the film is the freewheeling array of obsessed, self-absorbed, or simply lost souls wandering streets and coffee shops ready to talk your ear off about absolutely nothing. Killing time has never been more fun. --Sean Axmaker

uuid: 4286B285-3744-4D64-AE95-16F722CD0DE9
upc: 0715515015523
title: Slacker - Criterion Collection
theatricalDate: 05-07-1991
purchase date: 26-12-2005
publisher: Criterion
published: 14-09-2004
price: $39.95
numberInSeries: 247
net Rating: 4
MPAA Rating: R
minutes: 97
number of media: 2
last lookup time: 157309696
genre: Hockey
Bohemian Life
fullTitle: Slacker - Criterion Collection
features: Closed-captioned
Full Screen
currentValue: $28.28
created: 157309696
country: us
aspect: DVD
asin: B0002DB4ZK