Out of Many, Vol. 1, Brief Fourth Edition
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uuid: 7B550E67-F663-4E03-A057-FA9945EEBB79
upc: 9780131824317
title: Out of Many, Vol. 1, Brief Fourth Edition
purchase date: 09-05-2005
publisher: Prentice Hall
published: 27-02-2003
price: $60.00
pages: 372
last lookup time: 137382768
fullTitle: Out of Many, Vol. 1, Brief Fourth Edition
currentValue: $15.16
created: 137382752
country: us
author: John M. Faragher
Susan H. Armitage
Mari Jo Buhle
Daniel Czitrom
Susan Armitage
aspect: Paperback
asin: 0131824317